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SPEWS Current Status: DEAD

Please note: I have no involvement in SPEWS. I publish this information simply to be helpful to people I see trying to figure out what to do about a SPEWS listing.

SPEWS is clearly dead/abandoned. SPEWS data has not been updated since Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:03:29 PM.

This means that the SPEWS data has not changed since August, 2006. This data likely would not be intentionally frozen in time. I am told that the data was generally updated periodically. This probably means that whoever maintains the SPEWS list is unwilling to make updates, or has abandoned this data. I'm not sure -- I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. I just know that the data is out of date.

If you'd like to confirm this for yourself, I explain how to do that here.

I confirmed with other smart anti-spam folks to ensure that I am checking this properly, and I’m pretty sure it’s correct.

I will update this page with more information as I have it. Please feel free to contact me if you have any information regarding the SPEWS site or data.

Update as of Thursday, February 1, 2007: Matthew Sullivan of SORBS has emptied out the SPEWS data he was previously serving via his nameservers. Read more >>

If you are listed on SPEWS, don't despair. I've compiled some tips on how to deal with the situation. Click here to read on.