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Status of DEAD

Scott Glassbrook writes: "I ran a dnsbl, many many years ago. I stopped the DNSBL back in June of 2006, and shut down the server it was running on. 

"Since that time, all queries to have timed out. I made an attempt to bring the domain name back up in 2008, only to find that people are still trying to query the domain name. [...] Because of that, I see no other option than to start returning positives for *any* query issued to, beginning 10/16/2009. If you happen to be trying to use a dead DNSBL, please update your mail server configuration."

Scott indicates that random mail administrators are still "pounding the hell" out of his DNSBL hundreds fo times per second, all day and all night, ever day. Not cool.

If you're still querying this DNSBL, it's important that you immediately remove it from your mail server configuration. As of October 16th, use of this DNSBL will result in you rejecting 100% of your inbound email.