Thanks for visiting! Remember that nowadays, (most) blocklists don't usually govern deliverability and inbox placement on their own. Want to learn more about email marketing best practices, email technology, and deliverability troubleshooting? Then you'll want to check out my other site, Spam Resource.

Beware: "Fake" Blocking list at

Spamhaus reports that they have "uncovered a fake spam filter company which was pirating and selling DNSBL data stolen from major anti-spam systems including Spamhaus, CBL and SURBL, republishing the stolen data under the name ''"

Ouch. I guess if you publish a free or easily accessed spam filtering tool, it is inevitable that at some point somebody would try to take the data and repackage it against copyright and against the data owner's wishes.

If you find yourself listed on this blocking list; don't fret. If what Spamhaus says is true (and I have little reason to doubt them), then this list is not really being used to block email. (And should not be used to block email.) Ignore it, stay listed, and eventually they'll move on to easier targets.

If you're a system administrator, DO NOT use any of the DNSBL zones at for spam filtering purposes. As its intent may not be above-board, I would have strong concerns about the possibility of listing things only to engender a payment for delisting -- for reasons having nothing to do with spam fighting.