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Status of ALIVE

DNSBL Chile, created in 2011, appears to be a Chilean homegrown effort to tackle spamblocking from a local perspective. As they explain on their website: "Existing DNSBL services aim to block spam based on the type and origin affecting certain types of user. Chilean spam is generally ignored by these DNSBLs, mainly because of the language barrier. This raises the need for a specific DNSBL for Chile, which is able to investigate cases of spam in South-American Spanish."

The DNSBL zone is just "" and they report a few different types of responses: and for "verified spam sources," for "verified scam sources," and and for DUL/PBL-like dynamic/"should not be running an MTA" entries.

I don't know much about this list in particular but it's always nice to see somebody attempt to address a previously segment or region's spam problem.  If you have any thoughts or details around this list, don't hesitate to drop me a line.

(Crappy translation above courtesy of my high school Spanish + a little help from Google Translate.)